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Group of visually impaired people

Sensotec is your experienced and reliable partner.

We develop unique solutions for visually challenged people.

35 years of experience

200.000+ happy users


What we stand for.


We create solutions for the visually challenged

Every visually challenged person is entitled to the best possible support for their disability.


We invest in long-term relationships

We invest in a lasting relationship with each client so we grow together.


We create partnerships
with our resellers
and suppliers

By establishing a true partnership, we can offer the best innovative solutions.

Young saleswoman demonstrating Daisybox to blind man

Our clients


Resellers who want to offer their customers innovative assistive technology and devices for leisure time, school and workspaces.

-> Our resellers



Organisations who want to offer their members acces to audiobooks by using the DAISY standards (DODP) or to innovative devices that make a real difference.

Libraries worldwide

Libraries who want to offer their readers acces to audiobooks using the DAISY standard and the Daisy Online Delivery Protocol (DODP).

Visually  challenged people

We want to enable people with visual impairments to live independent and meaningful lives.


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Young blind man using Orcam Read stand

Where we operate



We are a global distributor of innovative visual aids.

The Netherlands

Young blind man

Part of the Allkind Group

Sensotec is part of the Allkind Group.

"Thanks to the my Board Buddy, my daughter can participate in regular education classes."

Mia, mom of Iliana

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